welcome to my blog! thanks for all your support and i hope through this blog you can experience part of my trip to panama :)

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Life Back Home

I want to thank everyone who followed my blog while I was in Panama, thank you for all your support! Here is a little update on life now that I am graduated from the DTS program and some photos of the end of my trip.

My last week in Panama was full of many emotions, I was excited to return home but also sad to leave the friends I had spent the last 5 months with. It felt like I was leaving family and my trip home was almost if not more emotional than when I first left Canada. It was tough leaving Canada but I knew I would be returning and I had a plane ticket to prove it but leaving Panama was rough. I don't know if I will ever see the places I saw again, experience the things I had experienced or more importantly see the friends I made there ever again. I was also nervous for my transition and reentry back to Canada, luckily we had classes the last week educating us on what to expect and how to deal with coming home.

My trip home went very smoothly, my flights were on time and I had no motion sickness the whole trip. As I made my way home from Houston to Vancouver the Canucks game played as crazy fans cheered and probably scared some people on the plane. The week I arrived home I was thrown into wedding preparation which kept my mind off things. But the following weeks things started to seem like a dream. All I had experienced in Panama was hard to express to people and although people wanted to know about my trip they would never fully know all that I encountered during those 5 months. But most importantly I know what I learned, and I can recall those experiences that shaped me.

Many people have asked me 'So whats next?' and my response is typically this:
Currently I am looking for a job to start saving for college. In January I will attend Langara College working towards a Bachelors in Visual Arts. After 2 years completed at Langara I will transfer to Simon Fraser University to complete the last 2 years in my degree and then hopefully move onto one year in the Education program. After I complete my teaching degree which will most likely be focused on high school students I will start my teaching career! I am pretty open to wherever God calls me, whether it is here in Canada or across the world. So yes, that is my current plan, but it is not set in stone, I am open to being flexible and I would love to travel more.

speaking at graduation

swimming in boc

hospital visits

ngobe school uniform

Alison's baptism

killing dinner


picking strawberries
So thank you for keeping up with my adventures, God bless. If you would like to talk more about my experiences i would love to chat over coffee or email! whatever works!


1 comment:

  1. Kayla, it will probably take some time to be able to process all you experienced and learned and then be able to put it into words so others can understand a bit more about your trip! Sometimes these experiences are hard to explain, and usually requires more listening than most of us here are willing to do. I hope that you do continue to reflect and listen to God's voice as he works in you.
    I am very excited about your plans for education! Also, being a teacher does give you some flexibility to travel during the summer months, so I am sure you will be travelling again!
