welcome to my blog! thanks for all your support and i hope through this blog you can experience part of my trip to panama :)

Saturday, January 29, 2011

week 2

I have officially completed 2 weeks of classes, 10 more to go! This week Pastor Mike spoke about the transformation and recovery from the fall of man. He also talked about strong holds and things that can stop us from growing closer to God. It was a good week and I am ready for the weekend! Tomorrow the 2 teams staying with us will be leaving so the DTS girls are excited for some quiet time! On Thursday we had a soccer game, YWAM Panama vs Wisconson. We won 6-4 and even though I didn't play, Alison and I enjoyed the pool beside the field. :)

two-toed sloth.
Friday night we went out with our small group leader Christina to the Cosway which is a man made strip that is filled with restaurants and has an awesome view of the city. It was crazy to see all the boats lined up waiting to go through the canal. We went to dinner at a popular restaurant called Mi Ranchito, and I got the breaded shrimp with french fries and fresh squeezed limeade. Dinner was excellent and after we went for icecream, which I was way too full for. The strip connects 3 islands together, its a very popular place to go biking or walking. After icecream we went to visit the yacht club, and admired the enormous boats docked in the harbour. On our way back from the yacht club we encountered a two-toed sloth on the side of the road! I personally thought it was rather creepy but apparently the two-toed ones are rare and also more vicious. We watched as it tried to make its way towards the ocean (because they are much better at swimming than walking.) We also encountered some local racoons that scrounge for crabs by the rocks at the bottom of the strip. It was a great night.

Tonight Bekah and I are babysitting for Christina and John so they can have some time alone. In exchange we get to do laundry, shower and watch movies and their house. Next Saturday is our first outreach, we are going to be handing out the Samaritan's Purse boxes to a local church! We are also thinking about volunteering at a local orphanage every other weekend. I'm pretty excited for the next few weeks and im starting to build relationships with many of the kids here, even though they don't speak english!

Love & miss you all,

p.s. heres our memory verse

No temptation has seized you except what is common to man.
And God is faithful; he will not tempt you beyond what you can bear.
But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

1 Corinthians 10:13

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The weekend!

Saturday we had all day off so after breakfast and hand washing our clothes for the first time. Which is a lot of work I might add! We headed out just us 5 North American girls to the mall and the old city. After a 30 minute bus ride into the city we arrived at Albrook mall. The bus rides are quite the experience in itself. Old school buses painted with bright colours and interesting designs, some with lights, some with blaring music and all packed way too full. Mostly everyone stares as we try to find seats, which is nearly impossible. When we arrived at the mall we took a 10 minute taxi ride to Casca Antigua otherwise known as the old city. The buildings and view of the city were beautiful and it is most defiantly a tourist spot. We walked through the city looking at the architecture and the little shops. For lunch we stopped at a quaint pizza cafe where we enjoyed excellent pizza and fresh squeezed juice. After looking around there we headed back to the mall. The mall is huge, but filled with similar stores, mostly cheap department stores. Karli and I bought cellphones since they are so cheap and we can buy prepaid cards. After eating dinner at the food court we headed back to the base since were not allowed to be out after dark. It was a lovely day where we all got to explore and bond.

Heres a picture from Casca Antigua. Too bad my eyes are closed.

Today we had class since the teacher is here Sunday-Thursday this week. Our teachers name is Mike Breininger, he is a pastor from Wisconsin. He is also a long term YWAM Panama supporter and has taught here every year. In class today we heard his testimony which was really impacting and tomorrow we will start on his week long series 'Recovering From The Fall'.

Also this week the base is packed with people! There are 2 groups here for a week; one group from Wisconsin participating in Mission Adventures which is a week long outreach program that they run here at the base and the other group is a smaller group, im not sure where they're from or what they're doing.  Anyways we had a week where it was just 9 people here from my program and now there's 22 girls sleeping in the dorm which is quite the adjustment.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him
and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6

That was the verse we memorized this week. Even though I have heard this verse multiple times this week was different. Since I have arrived I have been challenged by the thought of giving everything up to God. This month I'm reading 'Making Jesus Lord' by Loren Cunningham the founder of YWAM. The first couple chapters talk about losing everything and putting your life into God's hands. That's exactly how I felt the first week; absorbed in culture shock and homesickness I felt like I had lost everything. (I know it sounds a bit extreme, but that's honestly how it felt.) And the challenge in this verse and in the book were both to not trust in your own abilities but to give that trust to God and to fully rely on him. So this week I have been challenged by that thought and I think God is still working that into me. =) Love & Miss you all


p.s. here's a couple pictures taken by my roommate Alison of the Gorgonas beach.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Weekly Schedule

For those of you who are wondering what I will be doing with 12 weeks of my time at the YWAM Panama base, here is a typical schedule Monday-Friday:

7AM Breakfast
7:30AM Personal Devotions
8:30AM Worship or Intercession
9:45AM Class
1:00PM Lunch
2:00PM Class or Small Group Time
3:30PM Work Duties ( Alison and I are assigned to making dinner)
6:00PM Dinner
10:00 Lights Out

So that's my weekly schedule give or take a couple things. Lots of spare time in the evenings which we'll have to find something to fill it with. Weekends we basically have all day off except for church on Sundays.

Today we were assigned small groups. I was put in Christina's group, so its me and 4 other Americans, and Christina who is also American. We talked about expectations and fun things we could do to bond. I'm pretty excited because we are planning on baking, watching movies, hanging out at her house (which isn't on the base), hiking, shopping and just spending time with other girls.

As for work duties dinner prep was one of the duties I requested. Me and my bunk neighbour Alison will be preping dinner Monday to Friday. Alex one of the staff members here will teach us all the recipes, some Panamanian and some not.

Anyways I think that's all for now. Love & Miss you all.


Monday, January 17, 2011

First Week of Classes.

Yesterday we attending the bilingual church that the staff go to. It was quite interesting, they sang a lot of similar songs but in a more upbeat style. The pastor spoke in english and they invited all the dts students to come up and be prayed for. They also encouraged the members to take one of our name tags and pray for us these next 5 months. At the end of the service we went outside by the canal and prayed and sang how great is our God. After church most of the other students decided to go into the city and shop, I wanted to go but I was feeling a little sick from the car ride, and exhausted from the heat. So I went back to the dorm and napped most of the day. I seem to have caught a cold which is a rather odd thought in a hot country but I'm all stuffed up and my nose is runny. I don't think I have a fever but I am feeling a bit warm. This morning we had worship and after the staff shared their testimonies. It was interesting hearing each testimony and how God has lead them here. We just finished lunch and then were going to have an intercession class and after that work projects. Me and my bunk neighbour Alison got assigned to dinner prep, which should be fairly easy. Everyday we will prep dinner from 3:30-6. I'm feeling a little better, but still not to hungry. Love & Miss you all.


Saturday, January 15, 2011


So yesterday we had worship which was interesting since most songs were in spanish. Then we had a small orientation with the dts students going over rules, and what the schedule will look like. Were expected to do a book report each month were at the base so 3 books they have chosen; 2 by the founder of YWAM.We are also expected to read all of the new testament while we are here and memorize a verse of scripture each week which they have already chosen. Then we took a small tour of San Vicente which is a town near by with laundry mats, grocery stores, restaurants. Today we went for a beach day! It was pretty hot and it was a 2 hour ride to the beach because there was construction going on. We swam in the pacific ocean, which reminded me of home, but a lot nicer and a lot warmer! and there was also a pool. On the way home we stopped for pizza which was nice and the leader who was driving us told us all the cool things we could do on the weekends if we wanted to. Lots of hiking, visiting the waterfalls, zip lining, shopping, going to the zoo, visiting the canal, museums, beaches, pools, water parks. all within an hour from the base, and all reasonably cheap. I'm looking forward to all those things, but I still miss home.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Greetings from Panama!

Finally I have arrived in Panama, the last 2 flights weren't so bad, I got lots of rest in uncomfortable seats and on airport floors. Luckily I was able to find all my gates in time, it wasn't too hard although the Houston airport is quite big, and very beautiful I might add. The flight to panama wasn't long just 3.5 hours. I was sleeping most of the time so I didn't get my immigration and declaration forms! Luckily I was able to somewhat communicate with customs and immigration and it was pretty easy. As the plane arrived in panama I got a very scenic view of the coastline filled with tall skyscrapers, reminded me of home. John and his wife and kids met me at the airport then we drove 40 minutes to the base. The base is quite small only a few buildings and I think I am defiantly in culture shock, its gonna be hard to get used to. I'm living in a room with 6 other girls from my program and 10 others who are here for outreach from another base. School starts tomorrow with breakfast at 7am!! (4am our time.) and worship at 8:30. Please continue to pray that I get used to it here because I am feeling a little homesick.

miss you all.


Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Finally departing...

I am currently sitting in YVR waiting for my plane to board. I think it finally hit me, I'm going to be gone for 5 1/2 months! This is crazy, I'm feeling nervous & excited! Just thought I would let you know a few things I'm gonna miss...

-friends and family obvs.
-my own bed/ room
-ly Thai
-working... It's a weird thought.
-vancouvers beautiful view and downtown

I'm sure there will be more. Anyways hopefully I'll update you in either San Fran or Houston.


Sunday, January 2, 2011


Thanks for visiting my blog! I will be posting photos and small splurges of my trip to keep you updated. Feel free to comment, ask questions or give me suggestions. I'm new at this blogging thing so I'll be learning as I go.

I will be living 40 minutes outside Panama City from January to June 2011.


kje <3